The PharosN portal and its sites and services are implemented by the company GOLEM IMS GmbH, Austria in collaboration with its partners.
The company runs research, development, innovation and provides services enabling digital transformation and digital economy. Its strong international team integrates high quality professionals in business management, ICT, system sciences, mathematics, modeling, software development, web programming, design and training. As active member of Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities & Communities (EIP-SCC), Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AlOTI) and EC Digital Agenda, the company collaborates internationally with partners in countries and participates in Horizon 2020, JPI Urban Europe and other RDI programs and contributes to innovative projects by United Nation organizations.
Its main areas of activities are as follows:
Collaboration with United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
UNIDO Pharos software suite was developed by GOLEM IMS GMBH accordingly to outsourcing Contract with UNIDO for development, enhancement, identification of focal points, training of focal point staff and promotion of distribution of UNIDO business performance software signed in 2000. It had been implemented in about 3000 small and medium enterprise installations in several UNIDO capacity building and industrial modernization programmes in Latin America, Africa, Asia, Middle East and Europe within 1996-2010.
GOLEM IMS GMBH provides technical assistance to UNIDO and other international organizations in implementation of the Pharos software suite and relevant training for projects in Industrial upgrading, Capacity building, Measurement, monitoring and benchmarking of industrial processes, Energy, Resource efficient and cleaner production, Environment and Green Economy, Preventive maintenance and environmental management practices, Productivity methods improving use of materials, energy, water and reduce generation of waste, effluents and emissions, waste management, disposal of contaminated and hazardous materials and compliance to international standards.
Pharos Business Navigator (2015) integrates functionality of UNIDO software Pharos Business Navigator, Business Environment Strategic Toolkit (BEST), Financial Improvement Toolkit (FIT) and Measurement Control Chart Toolkit (MCCT) developed for UNIDO by GOLEM IMS GMBH as of 1995. The new advanced ICT cloud platform provides industrial enterprises and public organizations with the powerful customizable digital transformation instruments to cope with complexity and accelerated change and integration of smart everything for inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
Available as digital subscription service supporting variety of applications in business, industries, education, productivity and vocational training centers, the Pharos suite licensing facilitates free access to the services for projects and programmes by UNIDO and its UN partners.
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