On-going acceleration of change makes life of entrepreneurs and managers increasingly complex. As a complex system, every enterprise consists of interconnected and continuously interacting parts like manufacturing or service providing, people, finance, relations with suppliers, transportation, environment, energy, water supply, education, waste, internal strategic plans, technologies. Each part is changing in time and influences on others. Together these parts can change state of the whole business.
To understand what’s going on people usually asks questions. In business such questions can look like:
There is large number of various information systems for management such as decision support systems, executive information systems, online analytical processing, business intelligence, business analytics and performance management dashboards, ERP, etc. In general it all about providing meaningful and useful information to answer the questions similar to those mentioned above. While these technologies are available for each business from micro to large international manufacturing enterprises, many of them add new questions and problems instead of simplifying the answers. It is because they are isolated operating in silos, too complex and difficult in learning and in use, require special data collection, not so helpful in drill-down to problem causes and finally are costly, both in initial investment and maintenance.
Each business albeit its size has common aims: be profitable, competitive, efficient, and socially responsible and flourish. As a complex and always unique system, it is composed of concrete people, customers, geo-location, industrial technologies, suppliers, culture, economics, transportation, environmental requirements and governmental regulations. And while running, it generates diverse flow of daily events and processes.
With the growing information overload it becomes competitive advantage for an entrepreneur to be able to see a full picture of ongoing processes quick and easy and go into details when necessary for decision making. Smooth and sustainable business developments demand new modern instruments supporting effective management and transparency for entrepreneurs, anytime and everywhere.
Smart Enterprise Monitor is novel information technology realising the concept of Intelligent Sustainable System. As agile enterprise solution it allows:
• Easy viewing the whole enterprise and each of its parts at a glance saving time and efforts,
• Having the detailed answers in a systematic and transparent way in real time, any time and on-line.
• Integrating information from large number of processes, people and systems in intelligent way evaluating and predicting sustainability status of each processes
Entrepreneurs, Management, Owners, Specialists and other stakeholders can view and analyze on-going business processes, access history of events in detail having own personalised ”Smart Enterprise Monitors” on their mobile and computer devices.
The on-line demo application "Smart Enterprise Monitor" provides an example of the solution implementation in practice, i.e. how easy it may look running in your Enterprise now. For purposes of clarity and simplicity the demo model was made as common manufacturing enterprise. It includes finance, customers and products as focus objects, all common indicators and available for immediate implementation in any organization. After the implementation it can be easily and gradually upgraded with simple interactive model builder instruments by adding objects such as people and working teams and cells, technologies, products, services, customers, suppliers, sales and quality indicators, data sources and relevant events.
The PharosN platform provide excellent risk-free and cost–effective environment for prototyping of Smart Sustainable Enterprises that are described in Industry 4 concepts.
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