Pharos Navigator introduces innovative information technology for unified versatile monitoring, management, benchmarking, analysis and simulation of complex dynamic systems in real time. The platform functionalities allow organizations quick implementation of process measurements, procedures of data collection, evaluation of risks and optional scenarios of change, presentation of relevant information about on-going states of target objects and processes and current values of all indicators. The underlying comprehensive methodology, algorithms, technical implementation and available functionality along with high level of its customization implemented in Pharos Navigator, effectively support organizations in compliance to relevant international standards as mentioned in their sections related to process measurements, data collection procedures, risk evaluation and monitoring and presentation of information regarding the on-going states of monitored processes and objects. It allows quick implementation of audit to existing standards including ISO 55000, 55001, 9000, 9001, 14000, 15504, 17025, 19011, 26000, 31000, 50001 as well as requirements by new standards which define concrete metrics and procedures.
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